Cross-Linked Shrink Film: What Makes It Better Than Standard Shrink Films

2024-11-05 09:55:08 Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packaging Material Co., Ltd Viewd 175

The search for ways to stabilize rubber became successful when inventors discovered cross-linking polymers in the mid-1800s. Vulcanized rubber was invented by Charles Goodyear. He was able to stabilize natural rubber from distorting in heat.

Goodyear’s serendipity happened when he melted sulfur and rubber on a hot stove. Combining sulfur and rubber allows the newly formed substance to withstand higher temperatures. Unbeknownst to Goodyear, the extreme temperature allowed changes within the rubber’s polymer chains.

The newly structured polymer chains were crosslinked to form a stronger and more durable material. The onset of vulcanization has allowed tremendous changes in crosslinking. The use of different chemical additives or the process of irradiation allows the achievement of cross-linking.

How is cross-linking done?

Irradiated cross-linking is the most common kind of cross-linking utilized for flexible packaging materials. High-energy B-ray-producing electron beams are used in irradiated cross-linking. During the irradiation process, different bonds within the film are cross-linked together.

Cross-Linked Shrink Films


The new structured cross-linked shrink film provides different benefits. The following are the benefits that cross-linked polyolefin shrink film provides over standard polyolefin shrink film.

Increased Puncture Resistance

A cross-linked shrink film has puncture resistance increased compared to a standard shrink film. Polymers when cross-linked increase their puncture resistance that allow users to choose thinner film while still enjoying the same strength. A thinner film provides different benefits with cost as a primary benefit. Thinner shrink film also provides faster sealing, better clarity, and faster shrinking.

Stronger Seal Strength

The seal seams provide concern to a shrink-wrapped package because these are weak. A standard shrink film does not have the same seal strength as a cross-linked shrink film. Packages decrease the possibility of being damaged if they have stronger seals. This also ensures that customers buy products that are tamper-free.

Less Residue

Shrink films leave residue behind on the blade or sealing wire as time passes. This requires the replacement of sealing wires and blades because of the residue that is left behind. It is ideal to have a reduced residue to save time and decrease the number of replacement sealing blades. This holds for fully automatic machines that make thousands of seals daily.

Increased Clarity

The clarity of shrink films increases when a thinner film with comparable strength is utilized. Cross-linked shrink film that is irradiated also has less haze for increased clarity.

Longer Rolls

Before the advent of the popularity of cross-linked shrink film, 60 gauge rolls dominated the market as the thinnest polyolefin shrink rolls. The length is 4,370 feet long for standard 60 gauge shrink film rolls. Thus, manufacturers were able to sell longer rolls because of the existence of thinner 45-gauge and 30-gauge shrink films. There is less downtime for roll changes because of these longer rolls and also more production time.

Cross-Linked Shrink Film


Cross-linked shrink film is pricier compared to a standard shrink film. However, this is not always perfect for all applications. It is more expensive compared to the standard shrink film because of its superiority. The following are some applications of cross-linked polyolefin shrink film.

High-Speed Shrink Wrapping

Cross-linked shrink films are ideal for fully automatic shrink wrap machines and semi-auto machines that wrap thousands of products daily. For fully automatic machines, a cross-linked polyolefin shrink film decreases the number of concerns.

Lightweight Products

For very light products that only weigh a few ounces, it is best to use a cross-linked shrink film. Professional packaging is better served with a lower price with a lighter 45-gauge cross-linked shrink film compared to a standard 60-gauge polyolefin shrink film.

Heavy Products

For heavy products, it is better to use a 100-gauge cross-linked shrink film that provides a stronger and greater seal strength compared to a standard 100-gauge shrink film. A standard 100-gauge shrink film does not have the strength like that of a 100-gauge cross linked shrink film for a heavier product. Thus, it would be better to have a crosslinked 100-gauge polyolefin film for heavier products.

Sharp-Edged Products

Cross-linked shrink films have stronger strength which works best for sharp-edged products. This allows products will be tamper-free when they reach customers.

Cross-Linked Shrink Film


Cross-linked shrink films have been discovered by mere discovery. This discovery has revolutionized the rubber industry and made great strides for industries that use this product. There are many advantages when it comes to using cross-linked shrink films These include increased puncture resistance, stronger seal strength, less residue, increased clarity, and longer rolls.

Its applications also are wide in scope. These include high-speed shrink wrapping, lightweight products, heavy products, and sharp-edged products.

Zhongcheng has been in the industry for more than five years and is slowly becoming a leader in the field of manufacturing cross-linked shrink films. It has carefully improved its manufacturing processes led it to produce high-quality cross linked shrink films. Clients make repeat orders because of the quality that our company does with its products. Our service is of top quality and we will always be at your service. If you need any questions to be answered, do not hesitate to call  and contact us now. We will do our best to be of service to you. 

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